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Home > Basic Functions > Working with Images > Image Properties

Image Properties

Follow the instructions below to set image properties.

1. Select an image and click the right mouse button. Click 'Set Image Properties'

2. The 'Image Properties' dialog will be displayed.

Property Description
Border Width Specifies the thickness of the image border. Select "No Border" to display the image without a border.
Border Color Specifies the color of the image border
Image Alt Text Specifies the alternative text, which is displayed if a browser is incapable of displaying images, or images are turned off. This also acts as a popup tooltip when the user moves their mouse over the image.
Long Description This is an Accessibility option. The text entered in the "Long Description" field will be read by the Windows Narrator tool.
Image Alignment Sets the alignment of the image, with respect to the adjacent text/images. When you choose left or right alignment, the text will wrap around the image.
Image Src An absolute or relative URL pointing to the image file. 
Example1: http://www.extremeease.com/images/logo.gif 
Example2: images/logo.gif
Horizontal Spacing Specifies the spacing to the left and right of an image between the image and the adjacent text/images.
Vertical Spacing  Specifies the spacing at the top and bottom of an image between the image and the adjacent text/images.
Width Specifies the width of the image. If left blank, the width will be set automatically.
Height Specifies the height of the image. If left blank, the height will be set automatically.
Constrain If turned on, forces the image width and height to always be to scale when the width or height is changed.

example: If an image width/height is 200X100 and the width is changed to 100, the height will automatically be changed to 50.

See also
HelpConsole 2008 - Enterprise Edition

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